HMS_0700_4000_0002_0001: The filament buffer signal lost, and the cable or position sensor may be malfunctioning.
When using AMS, the buffer (or AMS Hub) is connected between the AMS and the printer.
It has a slide, a spring, and a hall sensor. When the AMS pushes the filament into the tool head extruder, the slide will move forward due to the pressure of the filament. The hall sensor can then detect the displacement and location of the slide, and feedback that signal back to the AMS and the printer. If the buffer signal is lost, AMS will not be able to feed the filament smoothly.
Usually, this is a 6P cable issue; please check whether the Pins of the 6P cable are open:
And try reconnecting the 6-pin cable:
1. If you have a multimeter, please unload the filament back to AMS and check the slider of the AMS buffer is on the left side as shown below:
pin-pin | Voltage |
GND-Buffe_A | 0.5~1.0V |
GND-Buffe_B | 2.8~2.3V |
and the sum of the two voltages is 3.0~3.3V.
2. If the voltage measured in the previous step is in the normal range, the problem may be on the AMS side. Please measure the resistance of the 6-pin cable(plugged into AMS). Normal resistance values are as follows:
pin-pin |
Resistance |
GND-Buffe_A |
4~6 KΩ |
GND-Buffe_B |
4~6 KΩ |
Please follow the above steps to test, record the test results, and contact the customer support team for further assistance.
HMS_0700-4000-0002-0001: The filament buffer signal lost,the cable or position sensor may be malfunctioning.
We hope the detailed guide provided has been helpful and informative.
To ensure a safe and effective execution, if you have any concerns or questions about the process described in this article, we recommend submitting a Technical ticket regarding your issue. Please include a picture or video illustrating the problem, as well as any additional information related to your inquiry.