Support painting is a feature that allows users to paint on a model in a 3D scene. The painted areas are marked as "enforcer" or "blocker" areas, meaning the support is enforced or blocked there.
Support painting is a tool in the top toolbar. It will be active if an object is selected. You can click its icon to enter editing mode and the setting panel will show.
In editing mode, only the selected object is allowed to be painted, so all other objects will be hidden. The object is rendered in gray color to make sure enough contrast after paintings. Manually painted support areas will be shown in green.
Besides, if auto support type is selected, such as normal(auto), areas within the support threshold Angle range will be highlighted in a different color. If you select the auto support type and manually paint support areas, both auto support will be generated and manual support will be generated for eligible areas.
Bambu Studio 1.10.0 supports painting on vertical surfaces to generate supports. Painting on the vertical surfaces of tall and thin parts to generate supports can effectively reduce the possibility of model collapse during printing.